UPDATE - 11/1/12
If I’ve seemed quiet lately, there’s a reason. I’ve been attending a conference and doing research, which took a lot of time. But November will be a big month for Friend Grief.
If I’ve seemed quiet lately, there’s a reason. I’ve been attending a conference and doing research, which took a lot of time. But November will be a big month for Friend Grief.
On November 2, the first in a series of small books
on the topic of grieving your friends will be released. Friend Grief and Anger: When Your Friend Dies and No One Gives a Damn
will expand on a few earlier blog posts on anger. It will be available on all e-book
platforms, and the links will be posted here as soon as they’re available. For
my followers in the UK, Canada and Australia, you’ll be able to get it right
away, too. If you’re keeping score, November 2 is Day of the Dead.
The print version (about 60 pages) is targeted for
release on November 19, which was Delle Chatman’s birthday. I felt it was
appropriate, since I wouldn’t be doing any of this without her. I’ll be doing a
book signing/launch at the coffee house in Chicago that was our hangout.
My plan is to release the second book, on grieving
friends who died of AIDS, on Dec. 1, with subsequent titles in the series
released every other month through 2013.
As soon as they’re confirmed, I’ll list additional
information – reviews, book signings, etc. – here on this blog. New resources –
on and offline – will also be added in the next few weeks.
And after the first of the year, there will be a
redesign of the whole blog/website, but let’s get through the holidays first. J
Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated. If
you have an opinion about something I wrote, please comment. If you’d like to
share a story about a friend of yours who died, email me. If you know of
someone who would benefit from what we discuss here, share this link. As
always, remember that I’m not a medical professional, and this blog is never
intended to be a substitute for therapeutic help.
One of the terrific aspects of this new career of
mine is that I believe I have a deeper appreciation of my friends. I find
myself reaching out, sometimes self-consciously, in ways that often surprise
For example: I don’t have a picture of myself with
Delle, just the two of us. I have pictures where we’re with a group, but no
picture of just us. We were always the ones taking pictures and never thought
to include ourselves. I regret that a lot.
Last Friday I asked the wife of a friend of mine to
take my picture with him. I have lots of pictures of him, but again, none of
just the two of us. I was a little embarrassed to ask, but I got over it.
I don’t know if anyone can live their life without
regretting things they didn’t do. But I’m trying more and more to risk that
momentary embarrassment: to pose for that picture, to make that phone call, to
say ‘I love you’ while I can.
Try it. You’ll be glad you did.