Kristie West |
thrilled to welcome Kristie West to Friend Grief. I met Kristie on Twitter last
year, and though she’s in London and I’m in Chicago, we’ve struck a great
friendship. She agreed to share her experience with Death Café and how it
relates to grieving the death of a friend:
I know Viki has her Death Café coming up
soon…which is very exciting!….so when she asked me to guest blog I decided to
talk about the relevance of a Death Café to friend grief and the impact one
could have on the other.
One of the hardest bits around grief can be
the experience of feeling that people aren’t there for you. This can be more severe when the person that
died was a friend rather than a family member.
Our friends are the family we choose – I
strongly believe this. And though we aren’t tied to them by a last name or by
blood the experience of losing them can be just as powerful as losing a family
member. Even more powerful for some. Our
experience of the death of anyone in our lives comes down to the meaning it
holds for us. And losing a friend, close friend, or best friend may have just
as strong or even a stronger meaning for us than any other loss.
But not everybody sees it like this. We all view life through our own very unique
perspective. And for someone whose
family are far more important that friends your loss of your friend won’t seem
as bad or as extreme to them as a family loss.
And so it is much easier not to deal with it or with you and to take a
step back.
And this is where the problem of support
comes in.
In general our English-speaking societies
are pretty rubbish when it comes to talking about death. It is taboo. We don’t
want to talk about it or, God forbid, plan for it. We will read endless novels
and watch lots of TV and movies filled with it but when it comes to facing it
for real we are at a bit of a disadvantage. We consider it all a bit morbid, scary,
unnatural. And mostly we will avoid it
at all costs.
And this need to avoid it is precisely why
we can sometimes feel unsupported by those around us when we have a loss. When
there is a death or deaths in your life there are some people who will be there
for you, some who will kinda be around but clearly struggle with it, and some
who will disappear.
And more often than not we are tempted to
then get angry or disappointed and say we now know who our ‘real’ friends are.
When I lost 6 family members in 4 months I
learned a very valuable lesson very quickly– when death comes into your life
the reactions of people around you will tell you less about how they feel about
you…and far more about how they feel about death.
You will become a sudden reminder to others
of their own mortality and the mortality of those they love. Think of it like
this: you are like a walking subliminal message that goes ‘remember, you will
die and everyone you love will die.’ And most people don’t want to be going
there. Some simply can’t…..no matter how much they love you. This is why some
of the closest people to you will suddenly inexplicably go quiet or disappear. It
isn’t that they don’t care….it’s that you push a button in them, a button they
may not even acknowledge, that is far too painful or threatening to face. When people aren’t there for you in this
experience, they are avoiding death, not you.
Here is where Death Café comes in. A Death
Café is a space for people to talk openly about death and all death related
stuff. Death Cafes encourage the
participants to face up to their thoughts and feelings around all aspects of
death and share them with others. Talking about death in a normal, natural, and
practical way is healthy, refreshing, and often a relief.
And here is how it relates to friend grief:
the more we are able to be open about
death, instead of terrified (whether consciously or unconsciously), the more we
will be able to be around death –our experiences of it and the experiences of
others. The more we will be able to calmly be in that space. And from that space people will not need to
be as far as way from you as possible when you’ve had a death in your life. And
they won’t need the excuse of ‘it was just
your friend/elderly parent/ex-partner/pet/estranged sibling, etc’ to protect
themselves from it.
So what can you do? Get along to Viki’s Death Café yourself….and
tell everyone you know about it too.
Maybe just one of your friends attends.
Or maybe they don’t this time but they think about it for next
time. Don’t underestimate the power in
one small step forward. All of the most important movements that have changed
the world have started with small steps.
Have an amazing Death Café Viki. I wish I
could be there!
Kristie West is a G.R.I.E.F. Specialist. She helps adults who have had a bereavement
in their lives, and her speciality is parent loss.
After losing 6 family members in 4 months, including
her dad who died very suddenly, Kristie found herself seeking help for what she
was going through but wasn't satisfied with what she found. Going on her own journey of learning through
psychology, coaching and various other change processes Kristie reached the
point where instead of managing or dealing with pain she was left feeling
grateful, connected to those she had lost, and totally free from pain.
She created her own process based on her experiences
and learnings and now takes others through it in a number of hours to achieve
the same change that she did.
the Events page for more details on the first Death Café in Chicago!