Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why I Started Friend Grief

I started this blog 6 months ago, so I thought it was a good time to look back and take stock.
I’ve learned a lot about the technical joys and frustrations of blogging.
I’ve learned a lot about the challenges of trying to stick out in an online world of blogs on every conceivable topic. This is what I wrote in my first post on February 1:
Welcome to Friend Grief.  It's here to raise awareness of a powerful experience in all of our lives:  the death of a friend.  Millions of people each year suffer the pain of a friend's death, and many of them suffer more because those around them don't respect their grief. 
The people who are part of Friend Grief have all been there, done that. In the coming weeks, you will meet some more of them. Some of them are real people; others are characters in books and plays and films.
I also hope that bereavement professionals will read this blog and ensure that their services are specifically welcoming to not just family, but friends.  Those who grieve are not defined by the legality of their relationship, but the depth of their love.
That still holds as well. I’ve contacted hospices and grief support groups in the US and other countries, and while most say friends are welcome to their open groups, none have groups just for friends.
Friend Grief is here for you, and your suggestions for topics or resources are always welcome. Feel free to email me at


Ruth Madison said...

What a wonderful idea for a blog! I will be bookmarking this one. I lost my best friend a year and a half ago and the grief has shaken every aspect of my life.

She was 28 years old, killed in a car accident. She was the only person I talked to about everything, that I felt totally comfortable with.

Since she died I've experienced depression, loss of interest in life, lack of a sense of purpose. I never had that before. I think about her every day. There's always a song I think she would like, or a new kind of makeup she would have loved.

Thank you for creating a place where I can talk about her.

Friend Grief said...

Ruth, I'm so glad you feel at home here. That's what I'm trying to do with this blog, to give people a place to feel support in their grief for their friends. Glad you're here!