to mourn the loss or death of; to miss very much; to be very sorry for.
(Definitions courtesy of Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Often when a friend dies, we feel overwhelmed by
what might have been. There are good memories to comfort us, stories we can
share with other friends. But often – too often – the negative feelings
overshadow everything else. And we feel guilty.
Or do we?
There are certainly times when guilt is an accurate
response to the news that a friend has died. If you promised to call/visit, and
then blew them off because you were tired or got a better offer, than yes,
guilt is appropriate. If you consciously avoided them because you “couldn’t
handle” seeing them “like that”, then yes, you should feel guilty. If you spent
time with them, but refused to let them confide their hopes and fears about
dying, demanding that the conversation stay upbeat, then yes, I hope you do
feel guilty.
But what most of us feel is not guilt. While the
first definition of guilt is related to committing a crime, isn’t it
interesting that the first definition of regret is about mourning?
There have been times when I couldn’t visit someone
who was sick because I had a cold, and I knew their compromised immune system
might not be able to fight it off.
There have been times when family obligations or my
own health took precedence over spending time with a sick friend.
There have been times when I realized too late that
I never told them I loved them, even though they’d probably protest that they
already knew.
There have been times when I just thought we’d have
more time. It wasn’t denial. I just expected they’d live long enough to finish
a project we were both working on, one I’ll have to finish on my own.
I guess I’m saying that since we’re all imperfect,
we will always have regrets. We will be sad when a friend dies and feel that
loss very deeply. We’ll do things and go places, and wish they were there with
us. That’s regret, and it’s unavoidable.
Guilt, however, is avoidable. Yes, it’s hard to
visit a friend who’s dying, hard to see the physical change in them. So what?
You can’t handle feeling uncomfortable, even if your presence brings comfort to
your friend? Then you’re not much of a friend.
So, your assignment for today is to make a promise
to yourself to avoid guilt when it comes to your friends. Don’t make excuses.
Don’t wimp out. Be present. Be supportive. Be a good friend.
You’ll still mourn
their loss. You’ll still have regrets. But you'll sleep better not feeling guilty.
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