Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome, She Writers!

Welcome to my dance in the B&W Bloggers Ball!

This is my very new blog, born Feb. 1.

As I worked on my first book, 'It's Not Like They're Family': Mourning Our Friends and Celebrating Their Lives', I realized that I needed to raise awareness of the unique experience of grieving the death of a friend.  The 10,000,000 people in the U.S. who will have this experience each year have few resources - in print or online - to help navigate and validate their grief. 

I'm pretty new to be giving blogging tips, but the best thing I ever did was have Networked Blogs link this to my Facebook and Twitter accounts.  It's generated a lot of traffic here, and saves time.

So, enjoy your dance here, and I look forward to dancing with many of you!


Unknown said...

Hello, I danced over here from She Writes. Nice to 'meet' you.

Fi said...

I'm enjoying all this blog hopping. I like the message of your blog.

Brenda Kezar said...

Wonderful message/motivation for a blog! Looking forward to reading more.

Unknown said...

Great idea for a blog. I have never lost a friend, but I'm sure it is a devastating experience.

Have fun with the blog hop!

The Crazy Cat Lady said...

Hi FriendGrief ~ nice to meet a fellow She Writer. I like your blog ~ it has a great theme. My husband's best friend was killed when he was only 16 ~ thanks for the blog!

Cathy K said...

How brave of you to take this on. I pray that your blog dance and the friendship that surrounds you will buoy you as you share it.

From another SheWriter at

C.M. Villani said...

Hey Victoria...
This is a very special blog. My heart goes out to you. Good luck!

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

Lovely idea for a blog. Loss is loss. No one should minimize it. Sometimes when a friend dies, it is much worse than losing a family member. You are doing a wonderful thing here.

Nice to meet you through the blog hop.

Julie Flanders said...

Hi Victoria,
I'm from the She Writes hop as well and am very touched by your blog. Best wishes to you!

Meg Waite Clayton said...

Victoria, you're a quick learner. I think I was blogging for a year before I discovered networked blogs.

Friend Grief said...

She Writes ladies:
Thanks for your kind comments! I hope you will take the time to follow me and/or read some of the previous posts. And Amanda, everyone has a story like your husband's, sooner or later. Thanks for stopping by!

Samantha Sotto said...

Hi, Victoria! Hopping in from SheWrites. Such a touching blog! I'm certain that it provides a great comfort to a lot of people who have grieved or are grieving the loss of a dear friend. :)

Tristi Pinkston said...

Hi there,

It's great to meet you!

I just checked out your post about the Family Ties episode - that one was truly brilliant. I think it showed just how good of an actor Michael J. Fox really is - thanks for reminding me of that amazing episode.